Our Vision

What humanity needs is faith in the Living God. God has an answer to all needs and has placed them in His Son Jesus Christ. If they can believe, all things are possible. We have a dream of bringing churches to be altars where people from all corners of the earth come to meet and worship God and their needs are met. We desire to move from little faith, which hinders the supernatural hand of God, to great faith where the impossible becomes possible. We have a burning desire to see people stretching out to God in faith in God should lead us to celebrate, whatever circumstances or situations we find ourselves in. all can celebrate and be celebrated.

Our Mission

Teach the undiluted Word of God that brings faith in God. We endeavor to demonstrate the power of God through Jesus Christ. Believing the Word and acting upon it affects positively all areas of our lives. We have a responsibility to nurture the gifts in everyone and help them become all that God intended. We strive also to inculcate the life and character of Christ in us.

See Our Story

Core Values

1. Central theme
Jesus Christ is the central theme and song of all that we do. In Him we live and have our being. Through Him we have access to God the Father and become members of His family.
2. Holy Spirit
We are a Spirit filled church. We seek to have all members filled with the Spirit, develop the fruit of the Spirit, and use the Spirit given gifts for the benefit of all.
3. The word
The Bible is the inspired Word of God and the final authority for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in Christian life. We hold supreme His Word since it is through it that God created all things, and it is through the same Word that He shapes our lives and promote us to become what He desires.
4. Faith
We believe all things are possible with God and all things are possible to him who believes. Hence, we endeavor to move from no faith to great faith, where the supernatural becomes natural. To this end we use all possible means to grow and build people’s faith and to show God to be who He really is, the Great and Almighty God.
5. Relationships
Love for one another is the foundation of our relationships. Our goal is to see every person loved and cared for in such a way that they feel accepted, valued and have a sense of belonging.
6. Hard Work
We seek to be diligent in all areas of life. We abhor laziness and every member is encouraged to work hard and to be productive member of the society.
7. Service
We believe that a person is only qualified to lead to the degree that they are willing to serve. Further, the motivation of all ministries within the local Church should be based on the principle of servant-hood. 8. Global Outreach
We endeavor to reach the whole world with the good news of the Kingdom of God. To this end we use all available tools to reach the lost and suffering with the message of Jesus Christ.
9. Stewardship
We believe that as born-again believers we are joint heirs with Jesus and therefore we will have to give an account concerning how we administer the estate that God has entrusted to us, whether it is people, finance, relationships or churches. As co-owners of all things with God we have the responsibility to be faithful stewards, who administer the estate according to God’s purpose as revealed in the Word.

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